Three Common Hot Tub Benefits

a person sitting in a hot tub bath

There’s nothing more relaxing than a nice hot tub bath after a long day. Did you know there are health benefits to taking a dip in your hot tub? Here are three of them:

Benefit #1: Improves Sleep Quality
Numerous studies and research done by sleep experts have proven the positive effects of taking a dip in your hot tub before you go to bed. One of the most well-known hot tub benefits is that it helps clear our minds and eliminate distractions, leading to much better sleep.

If you take a hot bath an hour before bed, the warm water will slightly heat your body. As your body cools down, it helps you fall asleep faster and enter REM sleep much easier.

Benefit #2: Helps With Cardiovascular Health
Regularly relaxing in your hot tub can help improve your cardiovascular health. The high temperatures your body experiences when you’re in your tub can cause your vessels to widen up and your heart rate to increase. This effectively lowers blood pressure and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. However, if you have a heart condition, consult your doctor first as this can heavily strain your heart.

Benefit #3: Reduces Joint Pains and Improve Flexibility
Besides relaxing your muscles, the heat from your hot tub can also help reduce joint pains caused by arthritis. Since the water in your tub supports your body, this takes off some weight and stiffness from your joints.

On top of that, since the heat also opens up your blood vessels, a relaxing dip in your hot tub can stimulate blood circulation to your joints. It decreases any swelling and inflammation in these parts of your body.

Additionally, doing simple stretches while you’re soaking in your bathtub has been known to help improve your flexibility and enhance your movement. That’s mainly due to the warm water making your muscles more pliable.

With all of these known benefits, there’s no wonder why more people are buying hot tubs. If you’re ready to purchase your own tub, contact us today at The Spa Spot. Check out our hot tubs or call us to learn more about our inventory.


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