How To Fix Hot Tub Problems

Maybe you’re the type of person who wants to use their hot tub after a long day. After turning on your tub, however, you might notice that the water isn’t hot, the pump makes unusual sounds, or the breaker trips. If any of these happen, read on to learn more about these common hot tub problems and find out how to solve them.

No Heat

One common problem you might experience with your hot tub water is that it does not heat up. When it happens, you should first check the water level and look for any blockages in the circulation system. If you notice anything clogged, wash it down using a hose and filter-cleaning soap.

You can also check if there’s an airlock in the lines. If this is the issue, you can try burping your hot tub jets by turning them on the low setting for a few seconds and switching it to high and then low again. If none of these actions work, it’s possible that the heater is broken, and you’ll need to get it replaced.

Noisy Pump

Another problem could be that your pump is noisy when used. If you hear a growling or high-pitched sound, it means that your pump is having difficulty getting water. To fix it, you can clear up any clogs in the pump and fill it with water. On the other hand, if you hear a high-pitched sound, lubricate the bearings or replace the pump entirely if that doesn’t work.

Poor Water Flow

You might also experience weak or low water flow. It can be caused by a clogged or damaged filter. If there are no signs of wear and tear, you can try getting it cleaned.

Another reason for this can also be a low-water level. If it is the case, you should add water and then test run it to check if it flows normally.

Tripping GFCI Breaker

A Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) breaker tends to short circuit when the hot tub heater is corroded or damaged. You can fix it by resetting the breaker. But, if it doesn’t work, you can unplug the pump, heater, blower, and ozonator and try turning on the breaker again.

Learn About Hot Tub Maintenance With the Spa Spot

If you want to learn more about fixing your hot tub problems, you can ask experts at The Spa Spot. We also offer new hot tubs in case your old one is unfixable and needs replacing. Visit our store to get a fully-functioning tub today.


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